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Our Wealth Services

helping you achieve your financial goals through a host of customized planning and management strategies

Korkus Wealth Management is here to help.

Book a consultation
Financial planning
Customized personal financial plans to help ensure you are on track to meet your goals
Investment planning
Building fully customized investment strategies tailored to achieving your goals
Risk planning
Helping you protect what is important to you
Tax planning
Building strategies to retain more of your assets
Estate planning
Protecting your assets to leave a legacy for your family and loved ones
Business planning
Building strategies to help your business grow and assist in transition.

Financial planning

We offer comprehensive financial planning services that takes into account where you are currently, your preferred lifestyle, and what your long-term goals are. With your individual goals in mind, we develop a comprehensive plan for you that includes budgeting and cash flow management, strategic investing, retirement planning, risk management, and estate planning.

  • Options and recommendations
  • Implementation
  • Follow-up
  • Revisions

Investment planning

Building strategies and solutions to help you achieve your financial goals. As an independent advisor, I have access to provide a wide range of products to fulfill your financial needs.

  • GICS
  • Mutual Funds & Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
  • Stocks and Bonds
  • Structured Notes
  • Alternative Investments

Account Options:

  • Cash accounts
  • Registered Retirement Plans (RRSP, RRIF)
  • Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP)
  • Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)

Risk planning

An important part of financial planning is protecting what is important to you. We offer a variety of solutions and coverage options that help provide you peace of mind and protect you and your loved ones through life’s unexpected events.

  • Long term Care
  • Critical illness
  • Term Life
  • Whole life
  • Annuities

Tax planning

We offer advice and services to help protect your wealth through tax planning and management strategies. We work with you and your tax specialist to help reduce the tax burden on your earned income and assets.

  • Tax efficient investments
  • Income splitting
  • Intergenerational wealth transfer
  • Efficient retirement income strategies

Estate planning

An estate plan is crucial in ensuring that your final wishes are fulfilled with the lowest possible tax impact. Depending on each unique situation many strategies can be explored and implemented to ensure those left behind benefit fully from your final wishes.

  • Will planning
  • Beneficiary designation discussion
  • Investment account structures
  • Trusts

Business planning

Whether your interests are in protecting your ongoing business, or creating an exit strategy, we are here to help. Whether you are transferring your business to the next generation or selling the business outright there are many aspects to consider. Creating an exit strategy to ensure that the transition smooth and as tax effective possible.

  • Purifying business assets
  • Operating companies vs holding companies
  • Key Person insurance